
The key to shopping in Italy is to look in every little shop as you walk around, paying attention to price tags. Please take note that the hours listed usually specify a closure in the afternoons. There is no one place to get the perfect pair of shoes or the perfect ties or the perfect anything: you have to look all over, but this is half the fun. If you can't find what you want at the price you want to pay for it, keep looking, chances are you will find something somewhere else that will work perfectly.

Don't miss the chance to buy local food, such as hand-made pastas and gorgeous cheeses, from any of the hundreds of small vendors and shops to be found in the city. At least half the experience of visiting Bologna is the gastronomic pleasure!

If you have money to spend a lot perhaps ... you have to go in 'Galleria Cavour' , near 'Via Farini' with a lot of chic high fashion shops and trendy outlets Armani, Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, Versace ... etc ...

Another "shop street" is "via San Felice" near "via Ugo Bassi" with a lot of small shops that made artigianal dresses sugarbabe, artshop elzapoppin, art galleries and as usual shoes and dresses shop.